Some of these are older samples from a really old website. I’m updating them now and adding the newest sites!
O’Connor O’Riginals Web Design is a young company, but growing fast!
In addition to extensive work as an independent contractor, we have built and maintained the following sites:
Barbados/The Crane Private Residences. Information about Barbados for people staying at The Crane Private Residences, or anyone interested in traveling to Barbados. Contains information about the country in general, how to get there, Bajan terms, links and more.
Cushing’s Help and Support Information and support for people whose lives are touched in any way by Cushing’s or other endocrine problems. The site is run by a survivor of this rare, but debilitating, disease. Articles, message boards and chats help people find the information and support that they need.
Cushing’s Help and Support was included in Forbes Magazine, Best of the Web Issue,
Summer of 2001.
Cushing’s Help and Support Message Boards Updated Design:
Cushing’s Help and Support Message Boards, past design:
Cushing’s Help and Support Newest Website, redesigned to be mobile-friendly:
Cushing’s Help and Support Website past designs:
Fanciful animation!
THIS SITE IS GONE NOW: La Bella Rouge, a Red Hat Society Chapter. The Red Hat Society is a “disorganization” for women 50 and better. The La Bella Rouge chapter was started by Queen Mother Nancy Summers in Kingstowne, Virginia, although its members are from all over Northern Virginia.
Lou Argow. Information for people interested in Lou’s Addiction Counseling Practice. This was done as a blog so that Lou could update it easily herself.
O’Connor Music Studio Information on studying piano, organ or electric MIDI keyboard in Northern Virginia. The introduction to the website contains a brief description of many of the other pages. There are nearly 400 pages of information on all types of music.